
Methods for Entering a New Warehouse Market

The third-party logistics and warehousing industry has been in a period of significant growth, and based on the latest forecasts, this growth does not appear to be slowing down. Among the many reasons for this is that manufacturers are looking to add new locations to be closer to their customers while also saving on freight costs.  Read More

Topics: Common 3pl Questions, Rise of 3PL Services, Supply Chain Strategy

What Your 3PL is Looking for in a Customer

Discussions surrounding what customers should expect from their logistics provider are common and necessary in the supply chain industry. However, this topic explores the reverse: what should 3PLs be looking for in an ideal customer? This answer can vary depending on the provider's niche within the market, and whether a 3PL focuses on public warehousing, dedicated warehousing, retail fulfillment, etc. But while everyone has a different ideal customer profile, there are a few traits that are universal when it comes to a good customer relationship.  Read More

Topics: Common 3pl Questions, Rise of 3PL Services, Supply Chain Strategy

Contract Warehousing vs. Public Warehousing

In third-party logistics "public warehousing" and "contract warehousing" are common terms. Do you know the difference between them?  Read More

Topics: Lessons, Common 3pl Questions, Supply Chain Strategy

Higher Levels of Investment Incoming for Industrial and Logistics

After a few great years for the already-booming industrial real estate sector, forecasts show that there may be even more business incoming. According to multiple market outlooks for 2023, industrial activity is expected to increase, with the demand being led by 3PLs (third-party logistics). With high demand being combined with a continued low vacancy rate (4 percent nationwide) it is easy to see why rental rates for industrial properties continue to rise.  Read More

Topics: Common 3pl Questions, Rise of 3PL Services, Supply Chain Strategy

Kansas City- The Heart of America

Kansas City is one of many markets that has experienced unprecedented industrial growth in the past few years due to the demand for warehousing. Additionally, KC has been a popular market for locating a warehouse for several reasons including:  Read More

Topics: Rise of 3PL Services, Supply Chain Strategy

Defining an asset-based 3PL

Third-party logistics companies (3PL) are often discussed as all doing the same service using similar methods. Many think that when there are changes in the real estate market, labor costs, or equipment pricing, it has the same effect on the entire industry. However, two different 3PLs can often perform the same service, but be structured very differently and have contrasting strengths and weaknesses.  Read More

Topics: Common 3pl Questions, Rise of 3PL Services, Supply Chain Strategy

How 3PL's Should be Maximizing Their Warehouse Capacity

As warehouse capacity across the U.S. is shrinking rapidly, with under four percent vacancy nationwide, the lack of space left many 3PLs wondering how they can continue to grow. As a result, how a logistics provider utilizes the warehouse space they have is crucial.  Read More

Topics: Customer Service Lessons, Supply Chain Strategy

The Importance of Property Management in your Warehouse

Whether you own industrial property, are considering purchasing a warehouse, or are involved with industrial real estate, property management is an important service to be familiar with.  Read More

Topics: Diminishing Warehouse space, Industrial Real Estate Market, Supply Chain Strategy

Shadow Space- What is it and Where is it Found?

While the supply of warehouse space throughout the country remains low, it is a misconception that the total vacancy rate represents the sum of the space available in a given market. The term "shadow space" refers to space that a tenant is leasing, but is not currently utilizing. In most cases, shadow space occurs when:  Read More

Topics: Diminishing Warehouse space, Future of Logistics, Industrial Real Estate Market, Supply Chain Strategy, Logistics News

How real estate selection fits into corporate strategy

The cliché of “location, location, location” applies in industrial real estate as much as commercial or residential, but what factors you bundle into that assessment are vastly different. A smart company on the hunt for a site should be asking whether a proposed site will support their business goals, and should be aligned with corporate strategy.  Read More

Topics: Industrial Real Estate Market, Supply Chain Strategy